
Resume tips for job seekers with disabilities
Posted on Thursday, December 01, 2022 05:00 PM
According to Statistics Canada, there are approximately 645,000 workers in Canada with disabilities. These workers often face challenges such as stereotypes, discrimination, and a lack of accommodations. Thankfully, there are employment resources available that help people with disabilities overcome these challenges and assist them in advancing their careers.
Below are some helpful tips to consider when preparing or updating your resume.
Keep it conciseTry to limit your resume to one to two pages...

The Career Directory 2023 – Canada’s Best Employers for Recent Graduates
Posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 04:26 PM
We don’t just say things like work-life balance and health and wellness—we really mean it. That’s why we have a number of important progressive HR policies in place to support our employees and unlock their full potential. At the same time, we know that young people are our future leaders and innovators, and that’s why we have made it a key piece of our recruitment strategy to create opportunities for youth. These are just some of the reasons the Town of Innisfil is proud to be selected as one...

Best Places to Work 2022 Award Winner
Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2022 10:09 AM
Canadian HR Reporter has named the Town of Innisfil a winner of the Best Places to Work award! This is a thrilling accomplishment for the Town (and our 2nd Best Places to Work award in 2022), and we would not be where we are without everyone on our Town team.
Our focus on creating a safe and trusting environment, showing appreciation for new ideas, and prioritizing employee mental wellness were key factors in winning the award.
Sound like a place you want to work? Check out our open career...

Employee Feature: Richard's Story
Posted on Saturday, October 15, 2022 10:53 AM
I want to be a part of building a welcoming and inclusive culture by creating memorable workplace experiences. Beyond my day-to-day duties within Operations, I am proud to be on four cross-functional committees at the Town including: Ambassador (welcoming new employees), Employee Recognition Task Force, EDI Working Group, and the Joint Health & Safety Committee.
The Town of Innisfil (TOI) encourages employees to think freely and explore new skills – the freedom and fulfillment...

Winter Roads Opportunities
Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2022 12:34 PM
Winter maintenance crews are an important part of the services we offer our community. With 833 lane kilometres of road to maintain, broken up into 17 routes, crews can clear accumulation from the wee hours of the morning until late in the evening. While many are likely enjoying a few extra hours of sleep, our crews are up and at it long before sunrise when the snow starts to fly.
Interested in helping deliver an essential service to the community of Innisfil? Please visit our Employment Opportunities...