The Town of Innisfil regulates parking through the Parking By-law, as amended. Review our parking lots and rates and find out how to get a resident parking pass. This pass is available to Innisfil property owners and tenants only.
Pay or dispute a parking ticket
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is the Town of Innisfil's administration and adjudication process for parking tickets.
We’ve been made aware that residents are receiving fraudulent texts about outstanding parking tickets. The Town of Innisfil will never ask for payment information over text. Please call us at 705-436-3710 to verify any information that seems suspicious.
Parking regulations and restrictions
Before you park, you should always read any parking signs posted in the area to make sure you're not violating any parking restrictions. Review the Parking By-law, as amended, for complete details about parking regulations.
Here are some regulations to keep in mind when parking your vehicle:
- If you're parking near an intersection, make sure you are at least 9 metres away
- A “No Stopping” sign indicates that you can't stop your vehicle even to pick up or drop off a passenger
- Don’t park in accessible parking spaces without displaying a valid accessible permit
- Don't park in a way the impedes or obstructs the flow of traffic
- Don't park facing the wrong way on a street or roadway
- Don't park in bike lanes
- Follow the winter parking regulations so you don't interfere with snow removal
- Don't park within 9 metres of a fire hydrant
- Don't park over a sidewalk and block pedestrian traffic
- A trailer must be licensed and attached to a vehicle to be parked on the road
Failure to follow the parking regulations may result in a ticket, fine or tow.
Winter parking
From November 15 to April 15, overnight parking between 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. is prohibited on Innisfil roads. This helps make sure that our plow trucks can quickly and safely clear snow from the streets. If you park on the street during this time, you could receive a fine.
It's also important to note that parking on the Town boulevard or on the grass at your property is prohibited.
Explore our overnight winter parking lots for an alternative parking option during the winter months.
Accessible parking
You can request or renew an accessible parking permit from Ontario's Ministry of Transportation for free if you meet eligibility criteria. You must clearly display your permit with the number and expiry date visible on your vehicle’s sun visor or dashboard to park in an accessible parking space. The permit holder must be either a passenger or driver of the vehicle using the accessible parking space. If you use the permit without the permit holder in the vehicle, you could be fined up to $5,000 and the permit may be seized.
The penalty for parking in an accessible space without a proper permit is $310. Parking is free in Town-owned lots with a valid accessible parking permit.
Accessible Parking Authorization
Commercial properties can provide authorization for by-law enforcement officers to enter their property for the purpose of enforcing accessible parking regulations. Please apply using our Accessible Parking Authorization form.
School zone parking
Please do your part to ensure all children arrive and leave school safely. Whenever parking close to a school, look for No Parking signs and make sure your vehicle is not blocking a driveway or fire hydrant. View the following school zone parking maps to find out where you can park in a designated school zone: