The Town of Innisfil is carrying out a pilot project to assess advanced sedimentation technologies (ASTs). ASTs are designed to reduce the sediment and nutrient loading rates to Lake Simcoe from stormwater runoff generated by development sites. This project is funded through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund.

Read Greenland International Consulting Ltd's full Erosion Control and Advanced Sedimentation Pilot Project report

Pilot project location

The pilot project is taking place in the Sleeping Lion Subdivision and includes three active stormwater management facilities (SWMFs) with upstream catchment areas under various stages of development:

  1. SWMF 4 represents a pre-servicing construction condition, not stabilized but with SWMF infrastructure already installed (e.g. storm sewer drainage pipes)
  2. SWMF 7 represents an un-stabilized site undergoing area-grading with topsoil stripped
  3. SWMF 6 represents a partially stabilized (fully developed) subdivision condition and partially under house construction with all stormwater management infrastructure installed, including a storm sewer drainage system

All three SWMFs ultimately discharge to Lake Simcoe.

Map showing study area


As the Town is ultimately responsible for approving site plans and subdivisions, development phasing and managing associated site runoff, this pilot project aims to:

  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced sedimentation technologies applied towards construction sites
  • Reduce erosion and discharge of sediment (and associated nutrients) from new development to watercourses in Innisfil Innisfil and to Lake Simcoe 
  • Reduce future municipal liability when complying with Lake Simcoe Protection Plan requirements