The Town of Innisfil is committed to a community where everyone can live, work and play. We work to remove barriers and provide accessible goods, services and facilities for all community members.

Multi-year Accessibility Plan

Our Multi-year Accessibility Plan guides our commitment to accessibility. It features our principles and standards for:

  • Information and communication
  • Employment
  • Transportation
  • Design of public spaces
  • Customer service

Accessibility Status Report

View our most recent accessibility status reports, which provide an update on the measures we have taken to improve accessibility, prevent and remove barriers, and implement the requirements set out by the Province of Ontario's Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA):

For older status reports, please email to receive a copy.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy

Our Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy outlines the overall strategic direction that the Town of Innisfil will follow in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee is a legislated committee, appointed by Council, to assist Council in improving opportunities for persons with disabilities by promoting the implementation of the AODA in the Town of Innisfil.

Receiving information and services from the Town

How can we best serve and communicate with you? We welcome public input to help us identify areas that we can improve our delivery of accessible goods, services and programs. You can leave feedback and request alternative, accessible formats of documents by:

  • Phone: 705-436-3710
  • Email: 
  • Mail, addressed to:
    Attention: People and Talent
    Town of Innisfil
    2101 Innisfil Beach Rd.
    Innisfil, ON L9S 1A1
  • Confidential fax: 705-431-7652

About the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is a law passed by the Ontario legislature that allows the government to develop specific standards of accessibility and enforce them. The standards are made into laws called regulations, and they provide the details to help meet the goal of the AODA. 

Accessible customer service

The AODA requires all public and private sector organizations in Ontario, including Innisfil, to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessible customer service. It also states that all staff and third party service providers (e.g. contractors and volunteers) must be trained on how to provide accessible customer service. The Accessible Customer Service: A Guide for Innisfil Service Providers has tips for how best to interact with a person living with a disability, so that you can provide excellent customer service to all residents. If you have questions related to accessibility or the standards outlined in the AODA, please contact Customer Service at 705-436-3710 or email

Accessibility standards

The purpose of the accessibility standards is to move organizations in Ontario forward on accessibility. The standards set requirements in several key areas and are reviewed at least every five years. New requirements may be added. Ontario organizations will move step-by-step toward accessibility that is widespread and commonplace. The goal of the Act is to make the Province of Ontario completely accessible by 2025.

The Town is committed to working toward being compliant with all standards under the AODA as they are introduced.