The Town of Innisfil promotes open government by fostering and supporting the principles of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). You can apply to access our records if they are not routinely disclosed through a formal request as per MFIPPA.

Before you start

Before you make a formal request to access our information or records, please contact us first as the records may be already available as part of our routine disclosure.

Making a freedom of information request

You can apply to access municipal records, subject to certain limitations and exemptions, as well as your own personal information and to correct it if it is inexact, ambiguous or incomplete. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

Make a freedom of information request online

You can also download a MFIPPA Request Form and submit it Customer Service at Town Hall, open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


You must pay a $5.00 application fee when you submit your request. If you're paying by cheque, please ensure that it is made payable to the Town of Innisfil.

Please note that more fees may apply as per Section 45 of the MFIPPA including:

  • Search time: $7.50 per 15 minutes
  • Record preparation time: $7.50 per 15 minutes
  • Computer programming: $15.00 per 15 minutes
  • Photocopying: $0.20 per page
  • CD copies to USB: $15.00 per change

You must pay shipping or any other costs incurred in responding to your request.

Accessing building permit records

We provide routine disclosure for certain building permit records. Depending on the age, nature and number of documents requested, your request may not be covered as part of a routine disclosure and may require a formal request under the MFIPPA.

We encourage you to contact us before submitting your request to determine if it is considered routine disclosure or if it falls under the MFIPPA, as routine disclosure application fees are non-refundable.

Instructions for requesting building permit records

  1. Complete our Routine Disclosure Request Form and submit it in-person at Town Hall, or complete our Online Routine Disclosure Request Form and submit your request electronically.
  2. Pay the $30.00 non-refundable application fee at the time you submit your request. If you are paying by cheque, please ensure that your cheque is made payable to the Town of Innisfil. Each separate request requires an application fee. Documents will be emailed.
  3. We will email you with your requested records or follow up if we have any questions after receiving your request.

If you have any questions, please call 705-436-3710 or visit Customer Service at Town Hall during business hours.


The Town of Innisfil disclaims any liability as to the accuracy of the contents of the building plans as provided and would recommend that you contact the engineer(s), architect(s), surveyor(s) and/or designer(s) noted on the building plans to confirm accuracy if you intend to rely on them for any reason. Please note that plans are subject to provisions of the Copyright Act.

Completed requests will be retained for 30 days, after which the request will be deemed abandoned and the file will be closed. If you wish to proceed with this request at a later date, a new request and fee will be required.

Protecting your privacy

MFIPPA requires us to protect personal information by imposing protection of privacy requirements that govern the collection, retention, use, disclosure and disposal of information.