Service level target

Our goal is to have 90% of roads be maintained at a fair (or better) condition rating.

How is this measured?

Each road segment in the Town's roads network is visually surveyed to identify and assess the number and types of existing pavement distresses. The data is translated into a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) using a numerical scale of 0-100. A performance rating is assigned using the following scale:

PCI Range Rating

  • 100-85 Good
  • 85-70 Satisfactory
  • 70-55 Fair
  • 55-40 Poor
  • 40-25 Very Poor
  • 25-10 Serious

The number of road segments rated fair (or better) is then determined and reported as a percentage of the total number of road segments in the transportation network.

Why is this measure important?

This measure provides an objective and accurate assessment of the overall level of service performance of the Town roads. The underlying data is used to prioritize annual roads rehabilitation projects and budget for future projects.

Historical results

Historical Results











What does this result mean?

Work is underway to develop the future level of service target and plans to achieve and maintain it.

2023 Result: 5.40 minutes

Service level target

We aim to have the average wait time be less than 8.5 minutes for our residents.

How is this measured?

As part of our partnership with Uber, the wait time of all resident trips is recorded within the app. At the end of a reporting year, those wait times are then averaged and assessed by Town staff to ensure we are meeting our service level targets.

Why is this measure important?

To improve the efficiency of our transit service in Innisfil, wait time of passengers is monitored to ensure that the current partnership with Uber is meeting the needs of our residents.

Historical results

Historical Results


4.60 minutes


7.17 minutes


9.67 minutes


6.90 minutes


5.40 minutes

What does this result mean?

Tracking to ensure the average wait time is less than the 8.5 minutes allows the Town to ensure the current partnership with Uber is meeting the needs of our residents and provides a prompt service level for passengers. This data and the upcoming transit survey will be components of the background information that supports the Town’s future Transit Master Plan.   

Service level target

We estimate that 140,000 Innisfil transit trips will be taken in the coming year.

How is this measured?

As part of Town’s partnership with Uber, each trip taken under Innisfil Transit program is recorded in the Uber database. At the end of each reporting year, the monthly trip reports are computed and added together by Town staff to ensure we meet our service level targets.

Why is this measure important?

To identify the long-term transit service needs in Innisfil, the number of trips taken each year is monitored to ensure that the current partnership with Uber is meeting the needs of our residents.

Historical results

Historical Results


102,487 trips


52,065 trips


63,231 trips


94,902 trips


132,495 trips

What does this result mean?

As our community is growing, we anticipate the level of service will need to continue to grow to meet the needs of our residents. Tracking the changes in the annual number of trips allows the Town to ensure the current partnership with Uber is meeting the current needs of our residents. This data and the upcoming transit survey will be components of the background information that supports the Town’s future Transit Master Plan.