Members of Council, committees of Council and local boards of the Town of Innisfil are committed to carrying out our duties in a respectful and ethical manner. The Code of Conduct for Members of Council and local boards holds standards for appropriate conduct.


If you think a Member of Council has broken the Code of Conduct and would like to submit a complaint, we recommend following the informal complaint procedure first. For more information about submitting complaints and how we investigate them, please review our Complaint Protocol and Code of Conduct.

Informal complaints

While not required to submit a formal complaint, we encourage you to first try following the informal complaint procedure to address any Code of Conduct violations. Please follow these steps:

  1. Document the incident including date, time, location, other people present and any other relevant information
  2. Approach the member and tell them why you think they have broken the Code of Conduct
  3. Have the member acknowledge and agree to stop the behaviour

Formal complaints

If the issue cannot be resolved through an informal complaint, you can escalate it to a formal complaint. We have appointed an Integrity Commissioner to investigate formal complaints. To submit a formal complaint, you will need to:

  1. Complete the Formal Complaint Form #1 (found on page 10 of the Complaint Protocol)
  2. Send your complaint by email or hard copy to our Clerk's Office at Town Hall or directly to the Integrity Commissioner using the contact information below

Contact the Clerk's Office

Mail your formal complaint to our Clerk's Office at the address below or email it to

Clerk's Office, Town of Innisfil
Town Hall and Administration Building
2101 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Innisfil, ON L9S 1A1

Contact the Integrity Commissioner

The Town's Integrity Commissioner is Aird & Berlis LLP:

Aird & Berlis LLP
Suite 1800
181 Bay Street
Toronto, ON  M5J 2T9

For Code of Conduct complaints and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act applications, please contact:

Meghan Cowan
Administrative Assistant: Hilary Butten, 416-865-7789 ext. 5014

Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 

We publish a public registry of disclosures of pecuniary interest when a member of Council, Committee or Board has a direct or indirect conflict. 

View the Registry of Disclosures