The Town of Innisfil's Municipal Dashboard highlights how we're performing as an organization. The dashboard includes 14 measures carefully chosen to represent a variety of Town services and community objectives. From road conditions to average response times, we collect and analyze data on an annual basis to determine if we're meeting service targets or if more work is needed to deliver the desired results.

The Municipal Dashboard currently reflects year-end 2023 results and will be updated with 2024 results once they are finalized.  

Using the Municipal Dashboard

The dashboard is organized into four pillars that align with the Town's Strategic Plan to help staff meet identified objectives and pave the way for success:

  1. Grow
  2. Sustain
  3. Connect
  4. Serve

What are KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements that help us evaluate how well we're doing in providing a particular service compared to established goals. We use KPIs on the dashboard to measure performance and identify areas for improvement. The following icons are used to show how well each KPI is performing against our service level targets:

Image of green check mark Met or exceeded

Almost Met Target Almost met

Missed Target Missed  

What are metrics?

Metrics are measurements that identify the expected and actual amount of inputs and outputs in the services we provide. We use metrics on the dashboard to track changes in different measurements over time. The following icons are used to show which metrics are higher than or lower than the forecasted service level targets:

 Higher than forecast

 Lower than forecast

Strategic Priority: Grow

We are a growing community. Through proactive and smart planning, we work towards the strategic balance of enabling Innisfil to grow and thrive while also celebrating and respecting the unique mix of urban, rural, and agricultural spaces that make it special. Innisfil has identified three measures under "Grow" that help us understand how well we are managing and responding to growth in our community.

Strategic Priority: Sustain

We embrace the principles of sustainability as we actively protect, maintain, and enhance the environment, assets and amenities that our residents depend on. Innisfil has identified three measures under "Sustain" that help us understand how well we are managing investments in our community.

Strategic Priority: Connect

We build connections at all levels – physically, socially, and culturally – to support the overall well-being and vitality of our community. Innisfil has identified three measures under "Connect" that help us understand how well we are supporting the overall well-being and vitality of our community. 

Strategic Priority: Serve

We work together to deliver high quality programs and services, with a focus on accountability, value-for-money, and innovation. Innisfil has identified five measures under "Serve" that help us understand how well we are responding to the needs of our community.