Youth Connex Committee web banner

Apply to join the Youth Connex Committee

The Innisfil Youth Connex Committee (YCC) is made up of Innisfil residents in Grades 8 to 12, with support from Council, Town staff and community partners. Supported by our Youth Engagement Strategy, the committee provides a link between youth in the community, Council and local community partners to promote youth initiatives, programs and insight that enhance the quality of life, health and well-being of Innisfil youth.

Goals and objectives

The committee creates priorities during the school year and develops a timeline for goals and objectives. The committee will:

  • Keep Council and the community informed of important matters affecting youth, host workshops and forums, conduct surveys and invite discussions to address priorities and needs that affect youth
  • Act as a positive youth champion and play a leadership role in the community
  • Support events staged by the Youth Connex Committee
  • Enhance the image of Innisfil youth and contribute to the overall well-being of the community
  • Act in a champion role and provide advice on issues of concern to youth
  • Provide new ideas and perspectives to Town Council and staff which are important to youth
  • Plan, coordinate and promote events and projects for Innisfil's youth
  • Encourage youth participation in generating ideas for overall improvements in the Town

Joining the Youth Connex Committee

Students in Grades 8 to 12 can apply to join the Youth Connex Committee online.


By joining the committee as a student, you can:

  • Gain volunteer community involvement hours
  • Meet new friends
  • Add your committee involvement to your resumé
  • Show your pride and commitment to your community


Joining the committee is a one year commitment (September to August). Youth Connex Committee champions may reapply as many years as they wish. Returning youth champions provide continuity, facilitate growth and increase the committee's potential impact on the community.

Non-youth members

Members of Council may choose to attend committee meetings. Staff liaisons can include staff members from the Town's Sport and Recreation and Health and Wellness departments.


Meetings are scheduled based on what best suits the members. For more information, contact our staff liaisons at