Red Light Cameras
The Town of Innisfil uses red light cameras to help reduce the number of vehicles running red lights. At the heart of the program is our commitment to protecting residents and visitors and making Innisfil's roads safer.
As recognized in the Highway Traffic Act O. Reg 277/99, Innisfil has red light cameras at the intersection of King Street and Queen/Church Street (otherwise known as Highway 27 and Highway 89) in Cookstown. More than 18,000 vehicles drive through this intersection each day, making it one of Innisfil's busiest!
Benefits of using red light cameras
Running a red light is against the law and increases the chance of a collision. This program helps improve driver and pedestrian safety by deterring red light runners. Municipalities across Ontario have introduced red light cameras for:

- Increased safety: Red light cameras act as a deterrent, leading to a decrease in red light violations and number of accidents
- 24/7 monitoring: The cameras operate around the clock, providing continuous monitoring to ensure compliance with traffic signals
How it works
A red light camera is an automated system that detects and captures images of vehicles entering an intersection when the traffic light is red. Photographs are not taken when vehicles enter the intersection on a green or yellow light, or when the signal turns red while a vehicle is already in the intersection. When the camera goes off, it captures the:
- Date
- Time of day
- Exact time the car crossed the stop line and the length of time that the red was active
- Vehicle speed
- Licence plate
The data is securely sent to a processing centre for evaluation by a Provincial Offences Officer. After review, a ticket is mailed to the registered plate holder with next steps. The fine for running a red light in Ontario is $325.
Making a right turn at a red light
Under the Highway Traffic Act, when a vehicle is approaching a signalized intersection with a red light, it must first come to a complete stop at the intersection before making a right turn—it’s the law. If you fail to stop you are breaking the law and committing a chargeable offence. The red light camera will take pictures when a vehicle is detected turning right without stopping on red.
Frequently asked questions
Browse FAQs to learn more about red light cameras.
Why was this location selected? |
This is the largest volume, municipally-controlled intersection in Innisfil. The community identified this intersection as having a significant issue with red-light running. A traffic study was done to confirm that the issue exists. Red light cameras are being placed at this intersection to help address this traffic safety concern. |
What is red light running? |
Red light running happens when a vehicle enters an intersection after a light has turned red. |
Will this lead to decreased police presence? |
South Simcoe Police Service (SSPS) uses a layered approach to tackle traffic-related concerns. Education and enforcement are key components to improve community safety, supported by emerging solutions such as red light cameras. The addition of this tool is not a replacement for traditional enforcement and will not lead to a decrease in police presence within the community. SSPS supported the red light cameras in Innisfil and will continue to provide feedback and review its impact. |
How will I know if a red light camera is being used? |
The use of red light camera must be approved through the Highway Traffic Act. All locations with red light cameras have signage, including notice before the camera is activated. |
Where do the fines go? |
The primary purpose of red light cameras is to increase community safety. Revenue collected through fines helps cover the cost of using the tool, including processing and related fees, and is reinvested into the community through future safety initiatives. |
Who receives the ticket for a red light camera violation? |
Red light camera tickets are similar to parking tickets and they are issued to the registered licence plate holder; these tickets are not attached to a driver's licence. No demerit points will be issued by the Ministry of Transportation and no one’s driving record will be impacted. |