Innisfil Fire & Rescue Services monitors the fire danger rating from spring through fall. Always check the fire danger rating before starting a fire.

The current fire danger rating is MODERATE in the Town of Innisfil.

Moderate fire danger rating

Fire danger ratings range from low to extreme (complete fire ban) depending on conditions. The fire danger rating is determined using the Fire Weather Index (FWI), an internationally used method for ranking the risk of open-air fires. It considers humidity, temperature, recent rain amounts, as well as wind directions and wind speed. 

You need to purchase an open-air burn permit for outdoor fires that are larger than 0.5 m in size in the Town of Innisfil.

Fire danger ratings
Low fire danger rating

Low Hazard

Low fire danger. Outdoor burning and forestry activities normally permitted.

Moderate fire danger rating

Moderate Hazard

Some potential for wildfire. Carry out burning and forestry activities with caution.

High fire danger rating

High Hazard

Fire hazard is serious. Extreme caution must be used when burning. Backyard burn piles and campfires may be cancelled. Forestry activities (e.g. using chainsaws) may be restricted.

Extreme fire danger rating

Extreme Hazard

Fire hazard is extremely high. Complete burning bans will likely be issued and forestry activities highly restricted or stopped.