Burn Permits
You need to purchase an open-air burn permit for outdoor fires that are larger than 0.5 m in size in the Town of Innisfil. Learn how to apply for a burn permit and review the burning regulations.
You can also purchase a burn permit at Innisfil Town Hall during operating hours. These fires are meant for burning brush or clean scrap wood. The permit will stay in effect for the calendar year.
Make sure to check and understand the Fire Danger Rating before burning.
Please refer to the Town of Innisfil's current Fees and Charges By-law (057-24), as amended, for a complete list of fees.
Permit regulations and agricultural burns
View the Open Air Fire By-law for full details about the permit regulations. If your property is zoned as agricultural land and larger than 5 acres in size, you may be approved to have a fire at ground level that is 3 m in diameter and 3 m in height.
A site inspection is required and will be completed by the Chief Fire Official. To book a site inspection, please contact us by email at innisfilfire@innisfil.ca or give us a call at 705-457-2318.
We will only issue a burn permit after you've passed the site inspection.
Do I need a permit for small outdoor fires?
You don't need a burn permit for the following small fires:
- Small burn, clean wood fuel appliances (e.g., chiminea, metal fireplace, etc.)
- Clean fuel appliance (propane / natural gas fireplace)
- Open air burn under 0.5 m in size
- Set backs are required to be met (see chart on page six of the Open Air Fire By-law)
Remember to follow these safety requirements while burning:
- If you're using a small appliance, you must place the appliance at least 5 m from any lot line and 2 m from any structure on your property, such as a deck or fence
- If you're having a small open-air fire, you must place the fire at least 5 m from any lot line and 20 m from any structures on your property, such as a deck or fence
- Only clean wood may be burned
- Never leave a fire unattended
- Appropriate means of extinguishment must be onsite and easily accessible
Tips for burning responsibly
Outdoor fires can be dangerous, especially if they are left unattended or get out of control. Check out these tips for burning responsibly and help keep your family and community safe while enjoying the outdoors.