Have you received a penalty notice from the Town of Innisfil for a parking infraction? Find out how to pay or dispute your parking ticket and review our frequently asked questions to learn more about parking infractions. 

The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is the Town of Innisfil's administration and adjudication process for parking tickets. 

We’ve been made aware that residents are receiving fraudulent texts about outstanding parking tickets. The Town of Innisfil will never ask for payment information over text. Please call us at 705-436-3710 to verify any information that seems suspicious.

Payment options

You can select one of the following payment options to pay a parking ticket.

Pay online

In person

You can also pay in person by visiting Town Hall located at 2101 Innisfil Beach Rd. We accept cash, debit and cheques. An after-hours drop box is available for cheque payments at Town Hall outside the front entrance.


You can mail a cheque or money order payable to The Town of Innisfil to:

Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Innisfil, ON  L9S 1A1

Please write the Penalty Notice number on the front of the cheque or money order and add By-Law Enforcement Services in the memo field. Payment must be received by or on the applicable due date. Do not send cash in the mail.

Scrooge the ticket: donate instead!

Each year, we host a 'Scrooge the Ticket' campaign in November. During this two-week period, people who receive a parking fine can choose to make a donation of monetary funds, children's toys or non-perishable food items in lieu of paying the fine. Donations collected through the campaign support the Innisfil Food Bank and the Troy Scott Community Fridges.

Over the past decade, we've contributed more than $40,000 to charity through Scrooge the Ticket! 

Dispute a parking ticket

Please submit a Screening Review if you'd like to have your penalty notice (ticket) reviewed.

If you choose to dispute your penalty notice, you must request a screening review within 30 days of the effective date of the notice.

If your fine is valid or reduced, you must pay it by the date stated in the response. If we do not receive payment in this timeframe, the full amount and any additional administration costs will apply. 

Penalty notices remain valid throughout the screening review process. We will issue applicable notices until all necessary documentation is received, processed and reviewed.

Hearing reviews

If you are not satisfied with the screening review decision, you can request a Hearing Review at the conclusion of the screening review.

You must submit a hearing review request form within 30 days of receiving the screening decision. Once you have completed the form, we will confirm the date and time of your hearing review through email or by mail.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Review our parking ticket FAQs.