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Innisfil proclaims Amyloidosis Awareness Month

Posted on Friday, March 01, 2024 12:00 AM

Whereas March is Amyloidosis Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness, funding research, and supporting those living with amyloidosis and their loved ones; and

Whereas Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that occurs when an abnormal protein, known as amyloid, builds up in the tissues and organs of the body. Left untreated, the disease can result in organ failure and can be fatal; and

Whereas Amyloidosis can mimic the signs and symptoms of more common medical conditions and the...

A young artist singing in front of a crowd at night in the winter

Innisfil Economic Development February News

Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 03:08 PM

Welcome to the monthly Innisfil Economic Development newsletter, where we keep you up-to-date with this months news and updates. From innovative startups to established businesses, we're proud to showcase the economic growth and development taking place in Innisfil.

The Town of Innisfil's Economic Development team is here for you. Please contact us at if you have general questions or require business support.

Innisfil Spring Job Fair 2024

Attention Innisfil Employers - Are You Hiring?

Innisfil proclaims Ontario Heritage Week

Posted on Monday, February 19, 2024 12:01 AM

Whereas each February, Ontario Heritage Week celebrates our diverse traditions, cultural expressions, and heritage in all its forms (architectural, cultural, natural, archaeological and collections); and

Whereas every community in Ontario has its own unique culture and heritage, which has the power to bring people together, create a sense of belonging and help guide a community in its growth and development; and

Whereas Ontario Heritage Week provides an opportunity for residents of Innisfil to...

Innisfil proclaims Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Day

Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:03 AM

Whereas Congenital Heart Disease exists at birth; and

Whereas when people think of heart disease and stroke, they often think of adults and seniors. However, heart disease and stroke can happen in people of all ages, including infants; and

Whereas eight out of every 1000 children born will have some form of a congenital heart defect (C.H.D.); and

Whereas raising awareness has resulted in medical advances that are helping those born with heart disease live into adulthood. Sixty years ago, fewer...

Town launches Municipal Performance Dashboard

Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024 02:27 PM

Innisfil, ON – The Town of Innisfil has launched a new accountability tool on its website so community members can see at a glance how the Town is performing on the services that matter most to residents. 

“The Town of Innisfil's Municipal Dashboard highlights how we're performing as an organization and is in alignment with our commitment to accountability and transparency,” says Oliver Jerschow, CAO. “The dashboard includes 14 measures carefully chosen to represent a variety of Town services and...