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Innisfil proclaims National Deafblind Awareness Month

Posted on Saturday, June 01, 2024 12:00 AM

Whereas deafblindness is a unique disability that incorporates the loss of both sight and hearing. Individuals who are deafblind can live full, meaningful lives as independently as possible with the right supports in place, such as intervenor services; and

Whereas everyone is encouraged to help promote deafblindness by attending an awareness event and proclaiming June as National Deafblind Awareness Month in your community and checking out events at that include flag...

Innisfil proclaims National AccessAbility Week

Posted on Sunday, May 26, 2024 12:01 AM

Whereas under the Accessible Canada Act 2019, c. 10 (Section 133), throughout Canada each year, the week starting on the last Sunday in May is known as National AccessAbility Week. It is an opportunity to promote accessibility and inclusion across communities and workplaces, to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities, and to be inspired to break down barriers further; and

Whereas National AccessAbility Week was first established following Paralympian Rick Hanson’s Man in...

Innisfil proclaims National Public Works Week

Posted on Sunday, May 19, 2024 12:01 AM

Whereas public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities, emergency management, and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and the public health, high quality of life, and well-being of the people of Innisfil; and

Whereas these infrastructures, facilities, and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of public works professionals, who are first responders, and the engineers, managers, and employees at all levels of...

Innisfil proclaims International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2024 12:01 AM

Whereas the Ontario Human Rights Code recognizes that no one can be discriminated against based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; and

Whereas Innisfil is a society open to everyone, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people (LGBTQ+) and to all other people who identify with sexual diversity and the multiplicity of gender identities and expressions; and

Whereas despite recent efforts towards greater inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, homophobia and transphobia are...

Innisfil proclaims Moose Hide Campaign Day

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2024 12:01 AM

Whereas the Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led, grassroots movement of men, boys, and all Canadians standing up to end violence against women, children, and all those along the gender continuum; and

Whereas the Moose Hide Campaign was founded along the 'Highway of Tears' in British Columbia in response to the injustices and violence faced by many women and children in Canada, particularly those who are Indigenous; and

Whereas Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is at epidemic proportions across...