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Innisfil proclaims Fierté Simcoe Pride

Posted on Monday, July 24, 2023 12:01 AM

WHEREAS This marks the 12th annual Fierté Simcoe Pride, and its purpose is to create a safe and inclusive Simcoe County that supports gender and sexual diversity through services, activities, and events; and

WHEREAS The Intersex Progress Pride flag is raised to honour gender and sexual diversity in Simcoe County. The Intersex Progress Pride flag was designed by Valentino Vecchietti in the UK in 2021. The flag is a combination of Gilbert Baker’s 1978 Pride flag, Daniel Quasar’s 2018 Progress...

Innisfil proclaims National Drowning Prevention Week

Posted on Sunday, July 16, 2023 12:01 AM

Whereas the mission of Lifesaving Society Canada is to prevent drowning throughout the country, and even one drowning is one too many; and

Whereas most drownings are preventable in a Water Smart community, and only through Water Smart education and a healthy respect for the potential danger that any body of water may present can we genuinely enjoy the beauty and recreation opportunities offered by these bodies of water; and

Whereas Lifesaving Society Canada urges residents of the Town of Innisfil...

Innisfil proclaims Ontario Heritage Week

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2022 01:47 PM

WHEREAS, Each February, Ontario Heritage Week celebrates heritage in all its forms (cultural and natural, architectural, archaeological and collections), its diverse traditions and cultural expressions; and

WHEREAS: Every community in Ontario has its own unique culture and heritage, which has the power to bring people together, create a sense of belonging and help guide a community in its growth and development; and

WHEREAS: Ontario Heritage Week provides an opportunity for residents...

Innisfil proclaims National Bullying Prevention Month

Posted on Friday, October 01, 2021 03:34 PM

WHEREAS, bullying is physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional harm or intimidation intentionally directed at a person or group of people; and

WHEREAS, bullying occurs in neighbourhoods, playgrounds, schools, and online through technology; and

WHEREAS, various researchers have concluded that bullying is the most common form of violence, affecting millions of American children and adolescents annually; and

WHEREAS, thousands of children and adolescents are affected by bullying annually;...