Official Plan
We're updating our Official Plan to reflect the latest growth projections for our community. Your input is essential as we plan for the housing, infrastructure, and services our town will need. Visit the Get Involved Innisfil project page to share your thoughts and help shape our community’s future.
The Town of Innisfil Official Plan guides planning and zoning decisions for the Town over the next 20 years. All new development applications must follow these guidelines to be approved.
Our Place – Innisfil's Official Plan
We drafted our Official Plan with help from community input and external consultants, which is why we named it “Our Place”. Our Place is more than a land use planning document. It boosts placemaking, community character and social connections while managing growth and development in Innisfil.
Check out our Planning Dictionary and the following videos to learn more.
Our vision
Innisfil will grow and thrive based on the places at the heart of Innisfil – the places where we recreate, shop, eat, gather, interact and most of all build the social and emotional ties that hold the community together. We will manage and plan our growth in a responsible and deliberate way that provides sustainable and timely infrastructure while maintaining the sense of community, rural character, and small-town feel we value. We will be respectful of tradition but not bound by it, as we evolve into a vibrant, active, sustainable, and multicultural community that offers intriguing and unique places and engaging activities.
Our goals
Innisfil's Community Strategic Plan lays out a series of goals in three key areas: Connect, Grow and Sustain. These themes form the framework for Our Place. During consultation for Our Place, community input helped shape specific goals under each of these three areas.
Connect: Connecting our community
Our Place helps create more social spaces and improved access to them. Our Place aims to:
- Improve mobility for all residents with active transportation connections within neighbourhoods and between communities
- Celebrate Innisfil's arts, culture and heritage by preserving heritage resources and supporting creative industries
- Strengthen digital connectivity by encouraging high speed internet service and community Wi-Fi
Watch our Connecting Our Community video
Grow: Keeping our small-town feel
Our Place preserves agricultural lands, limits residential growth to key areas, and keeps businesses local. Our Place aims to:
- Encourage businesses that support farming and support investment in Innisfil Heights
- Provide a range of housing choices, commercial services and employment opportunities
- Phases growth with the supply of infrastructure and community facilities
Watch our Keeping Our Small-Town Feel video
Sustain: Protecting Innisfil's natural beauty
Our Place has policies to protect and enhance our shoreline and agricultural lands. Our Place aims to:
- Enhance the vitality of the downtown in each settlement area
- Protect Lake Simcoe and significant natural features while improving public access to the waterfront
- Enhance existing parks and create new parks and open spaces
Watch our Protecting Innisfil's Natural Beauty video
Background and consultation |
Preparing Our Place consisted of three phases: Phase oneWe first worked with external consultants and residents to identify what ideas and goals Our Place should focus on. We held a Community Visioning Day in March 2015 to let residents share what they think makes Innisfil great. We then prepared reports for different areas of focus in Our Place: Place making and healthy communitiesThese reports focused on how Our Place can use placemaking to help create an active community: Growth managementWe created reports to address the rapid growth of our Town:
Natural environmentThese reports discuss preserving our natural lands and managing environmental hazards: CountrysideWe drafted reports to address agricultural concerns: Phase twoWe took the information gathered in phase one and developed policy options, directions and recommendations to address the various issues. We released these drafts in December 2015 and discussed them with Town Staff, members of the Developers' Liaison Group and residents, producing the Stage Two Community Engagement Feedback Report. Phase threeFinally, we drafted Our Place using the recommendations from our various consultations and reports. |
Adoption and County approval |
On January 17, 2018, we adopted Our Place with our Official Plan adoption By-law. On October 9, 2018, Council for the County of Simcoe approved Our Place, after it was approved by the County's Committee of the Whole on September 25, 2018. In the County of Simcoe's Notice of Decision, they placed three non-decisions on:
On November 13, 2018, Our Place came into effect, with the exception of the lands and policies that were appealed. Town adoption documentsView the documents related to our Official Plan adoption.
County approval documentsView the documents, approvals and communications related to the Official Plan with the County of Simcoe. |
Official Plan Amendments |
See the following amendments to Innisfil's Official Plan as made by the County of Simcoe: |
Appeals |
We received seven appeals for Our Place, which are summarized in the chart below. These appeals were forwarded to the Local Planning and Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). A Case Management Conference was held on August 13, 2019 to make decisions on these appeals.
On January 10, 2019, the County issued a Notice of Limiting Appeal Period. We then received six appeals of the County's non-decisions, which are summarized in the chart below. These appeals were not forwarded to the LPAT by the County. The County has since made a decision on the Non-Decision over Section 23.1.16 and acknowledged that the Non-Decisions over Schedule B and the Churchill Lands were not valid.