The Town of Innisfil's Zoning By-law governs buildings and land use according to the policies outlined in our Official Plan. Depending on which zone your property is in, you will have different permitted land uses and regulations.

Zoning amendments

If your project doesn't comply with the Zoning By-law, you will need to apply for a Zoning By-law amendment. Zoning amendments must adhere to the Official Plan.

For information about minor variances and consent to sever land and granting of easements, please see the Committee of Adjustment.

Property zoning map

View the interactive Zoning By-law map to see the land use for different properties in Town. You can search for a specific property to learn about its zoning requirements. 

County of Simcoe interactive GIS mapping

The County of Simcoe has an Interactive GIS for public use. Applicants can use the GIS tools to research information about properties using their municipal address.

Zoning issues

Certain types and locations of development or land uses are more likely to interfere with zoning regulations.

Conservation authorities

Some properties may fall under lands which are regulated by a conservation authority. The conservation authority regulates land use based on potential hazards, flooding, natural features, watercourse and shoreline areas. The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) both regulate land use in parts of the Town.

To see if your property falls under their regulations, you can look up your property on LSCRA's Regulation Maps or Nottawasaga Valley's Interactive Map. Contact LSRCA and NVCA for more information.

Home-based businesses

A home-based business is conducted entirely within a dwelling unit, secondary to its residential use. Home based businesses are permitted in certain zones. Requirements for home occupation uses can be found in the Zoning By-law.

Multiple dwelling units

An accessory dwelling unit (i.e., a basement apartment, in-law suite, etc.) is usually allowed in a single-detached, semi-detached or street townhouse. In some cases, the Town allows three units on one property. An accessory dwelling unit must meet the zoning requirements, be legally constructed, and be registered with the Town.

Agricultural use

Agricultural use includes growing field crops, raising livestock, selling produce and more. Requirements for agricultural land use can be found in the Zoning By-law.