Settled within the Town of Innisfil's Sleeping Lion development is the future location of the new Margaretta Park. This park will include our first all-inclusive, accessible playground!

Project timeline

We've secured the playground and splash pad supplier and the park's design is complete. The project is currently out for tender with construction scheduled to start summer 2024 to be complete in the spring of 2025.

Park amenities

Margaretta Park will include:

Review the park design for a more detailed look. 

Concept drawing of Margaretta Park

The story behind Margaretta Park

Town staff work with the Innisfil Accessibility Advisory Committee (IAAC) to reduce barriers and ensure public spaces are accessible. Since 2016, all playgrounds that have been replaced include play equipment for children with different abilities and exceed the minimum requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). However, additional equipment is available for people using a wheelchair. Budget and site constraints can make it difficult to include these amenities at every park, so the committee decided to focus on improving wheelchair accessibility at one big "Champion Park". 

Listen to IAAC members talk about park plans in the video below.

Site selection

In consultation with staff, the IAAC chose the largest park within the Sleeping Lion development to be the future site of their "Champion Park". Located north of 6th Line and east of 20th Sideroad, the Sleeping Lion development is one of the largest new developments in Innisfil and is adjacent to the future Orbit development. Margaretta Park is 3.5 hectares, situated in the middle of the subdivision, and will be easily accessed from the four roads that surround the park.

The IAAC wanted the location to be central, where it could be accessed by most of the Innisfil population.

Park dedication

As the Sleeping Lion Park will be the Town’s first enhanced all-inclusive park promoting accessibility, the park has been named “Margaretta Park” in recognition of Margaretta Papp-Belayneh, a previous Chair of the IAAC.