The Town of Innisfil collects development charges to cover the costs of building infrastructure so that new developments can receive municipal services, such as roads, water and sewer infrastructure. 

Development charges are levied against new development and are a primary source of funding for growth-related capital expenditures. Each year, Town of Innisfil development charges will be indexed on April 1 with the most recent twelve-month change in the Statistics Canada “Building Construction Price Index”.

Development Charges Rates

You can see the full list of development charges (DC) rates and other details in our DC Rates Pamphlets, effective February 13, 2025:

Certain developments in the Town fall under the “Innisfil Developers Allocation Group (IDAG) Servicing Agreement”. These lands are only required to contribute to costs associated with Phase 3 of the proposed Wastewater Treatment infrastructure. Please contact us for more information.

Development Charges By-laws

Interest on Development Charges

The fundamental principle of funding growth-related capital costs is that, "growth should pay for growth". This Development Charge Interest Policy ensures that there is compensating interest income to fund the lost development charges (DC) that result from the DC rate freeze and deferred payment

Background studies 

Background studies determine fees based on current service levels and the forecasted amount, type and location of future development within the municipality. See Innisfil's background studies for development charges:

Annual reports

See statements of funds we've received through development charges in Innisfil: 

Upper tier charges

When applicable, the Town collects development charges on behalf of other levels of government. View more information about their development charges: