In 2017, the Town of Innisfil completed a Schedule 'C' Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed interchange at 6th Line and Highway 400. The study:

  • Confirmed the roads project's need and justification
  • Documented existing environmental conditions
  • Examined alternatives
  • Defined the interchange design

The Town has entered into a co-proponency with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to undertake a Municipal Class EA Review of the preliminary design for the new interchange.

Environmental Assessment Review

The EA Review involves updating existing environmental conditions and determining whether any design changes to the proposed interchange are required. It will follow the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process. Engagement will take place throughout the study with the public and external agencies.

A Study Update will be provided on the project website later in the project to present the outcome of the review and any proposed design changes, for further review and comment.

Study Update

The EA Review identified several issues that suggest design changes for the proposed intersection are needed. A Study Update has been prepared to present the review's findings and the proposed design changes for further evaluation and feedback. The proposed design changes include:

  • Updating the interchange design to meet current standards and best practices
  • Realigning the proposed interchange ramps
  • Replacing the proposed roundabouts with traffic signals at the ramp terminals
  • Replacing the existing Innisfil Creek culvert crossing under Highway 400 with new bridges
  • Installing new bridges for the crossings of Innisfil Creek for the future West-to-South and South-to-East/West ramps.

Interested persons may provide feedback on the Study Update and Preferred Interchange Plans by July 19, 2024. Please provide comments using the response form on the Contact Us page of the project website.

Study notices

Environmental Study Report

View the Environmental Study Report (ESR) that documents the Class EA study process, consultations and recommended solutions:

Study notices

View the study notices and open house exhibits associated with the project: