The Town of Innisfil operates and maintains an outdoor rink and skating trail in the winter for the community to enjoy. The rink and skating trail are free to use and skaters must:

  • Respect other users
  • Follow the rules and posted signage

Facility status

Outdoor skating spaces are subject to closures due to unsafe conditions. 

FacilityLocationCurrent Status

Cookstown Outdoor Rink

20 Church St

Closed for the season

Town Square Skating Trail

971 Innisfil Beach Rd

Closed for the season

Check for signage to determine if a space may be closed. Please contact us if you have any concerns about ice conditions. In the event of an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Cookstown Outdoor Rink

The Cookstown Outdoor Rink operates from dawn until 11 p.m. daily from December to March, weather permitting. Don't forget to bring your own skates!

Outdoor rink safety rules

The Cookstown Outdoor Rink is an unsupervised facility. People using this rink do so at their own risk. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users, please follow our outdoor rink safety rules:

  • Skate aids are permitted, if required
  • Strollers and wheelchairs are allowed on the ice, but you must check the wheels for sand or grit before placing them on the ice
  • Children aged 12 and under must be supervised by an adult
  • We recommend that skaters wear a CSA-approved helmet for safety
  • Hockey is permitted from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
  • The following is not permitted on the ice:
    • Dogs, food or drinks
    • Inappropriate games or behaviour such as tag, racing, pushing, tripping and checking
    • Entering the ice rink without skates
Cookstown Outdoor Rink

Town Square skating trail

The skating trail at Innisfil Town Square provides 240 metres of ice-skating surface. It is open during the winter from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., weather permitting.

The ice is serviced at least twice daily. You'll find the best ice conditions in the morning and afternoon! Please stay off the trail when closed to avoid poor ice conditions. 

Skating trail rules

Help keep this space safe for all users by following the rules:

  • We recommend that skaters wear a CSA-approved helmet for safety
  • Skate aids are permitted, if required
  • Strollers and wheelchairs are allowed on the ice, but you must check the wheels for sand or grit before placing them on the ice
  • Hockey is not permitted, no sticks or pucks
  • Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult 
  • Skates are required to enter skating trail, no other footwear is permitted
  • No dogs, food or drinks

You may be asked to leave the trail if you're engaging in unsafe or hazardous activities. 

Innisfil Town Square skating trail

Building a backyard rink

Are you interested in building a natural outdoor ice rink in your backyard? Check out our Tips for Building a Backyard Rink to learn how to get started.