man working from home

Work-life balance is an extremely important topic these days, and for good reason. The Town of Innisfil provides flexibility to many of its employees as to where and when work can best be performed. For example, the Town’s Hybrid Work Agreements* are in place to help employees’ achieve a good work-life balance, all the while maintaining service levels and exceptional service to the community. For approved positions (only), employees are able to work from a remote location (i.e. – from home) up to a maximum of 4 days per week!

*Note: Consideration of hybrid work arrangements is based on operational requirements and an employee’s specific role and responsibilities.

Other flexible work options include:

Flex time* – modifications to the employees’ work location, days worked per week, hours worked per day, etc. that provides flexibility to our employees for their life events outside of work (i.e. – child’s soccer game, or recital). This arrangement can be done informally, and via an informal arrangement between the employee and their leader, for employees to work outside of their standard work schedule to make up for their time away during the same pay period.

Compressed Work Week Option* – a formal work arrangement whereby an employee works a longer day (extra hours) on a regularly scheduled workday in exchange for a reduction in the number of working days in a week or pay period. An example could be 10 working days compressed into 9 working days with 1 day off in the two week pay period (additional hours in each of the 9 days).

Is flexibility something you’re looking for in an employer? Check out our open career opportunities!

 *May not apply to all positions.