person at their desk with a dog

In keeping with our culture of being our best selves, having flexibility and a strong balance between hard work and taking time for zen, the Town of Innisfil has a Pets in the Workplace Policy* which provides staff the opportunity to bring their pet to work!

It’s been shown that having a connection with pets can positively impact an individual’s well-being. Our employees can use this policy for stress reduction and wellness enhancement as well as for care reasons. Pets bring many individuals happiness and joy, and positive health effects both mentally and physically. Some of our staff have jumped on this opportunity. In fact, since returning to the physical workplace following the pandemic, we’ve had eight employees bring their pet into the workplace! Other employees are able to benefit from pet visits and can pop by a colleague’s desk for a quick hello with the pet.

The policy also provides flexibility if, for example, an employee’s pet has a vet or grooming appointment nearby, they could then either pick up/drop off their pet during lunch.

Cool workplace policy, right?! Check out our open career opportunities!

*May not apply to all positions.