Happy construction working standing in front of building

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Health and Safety Excellence Program provides businesses with a roadmap for implementing a Health and Safety Management System. Businesses complete 36 health and safety topics, which are the building blocks of a Health and Safety Management System.

The program provides businesses and organizations, like the Town of Innisfil, with the opportunity to invest in their workplace health and safety and improve their workplace safety culture. The program helps businesses create a healthier and safer workplace, which could result in lower insurance premium rates, earning rebates, and recognition.

The Town of Innisfil currently is a recognized participant in the Health and Safety Excellence Program in participation with Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) to further develop and improve our Health and Safety Program, and provide evidence to WSIB with enhancements to one of our many topics like Injury, Illness and Incident Reporting.

We strive to make our workplaces safe for all employees, and to one day be a zero accident employer.