Whereas Operation Smile Canada is a global medical charity providing free, lifechanging surgeries and medical care to children born with cleft conditions around the world; and

Whereas every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft condition, and lack of access to safe, effective surgery means that easily treatable conditions like cleft lip and cleft palate can become fatal; and

Whereas Operation Smile Canada believes every child born with a cleft condition deserves exceptional surgical care; and

Whereas the Longest Day of SMILES® will unite Canadians from coast to coast to coast as they raise awareness and funds; and

Whereas on June 20, 2024, the citizens of Innisfil are encouraged to learn more about how to support this worthy cause by visiting longestdayofsmiles.ca; and

Whereas our community can help celebrate the Longest Day of SMILES® by posting #LongestDayOfSmiles on social media.

Therefore I, Mayor Lynn Dollin, on behalf of the Town of Innisfil do hereby proclaim June 20, 2024, as “Longest Day of SMILES®” in Innisfil and commend its thoughtful observance to all citizens of our municipality.