Whereas inclusion, acceptance, and equity are important approaches to the diversity of residents living in any community, especially in our growing and changing region; and

Whereas March 21 is recognized as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; and

Whereas the Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership (SCLIP) is a community partnership focused on the development of settlement strategies for newcomers. These strategies bring together and support service delivery to newcomers in Simcoe County while promoting positive relationships, opportunity, and use of local resources effectively; and

Whereas this month presents an opportunity to further the resolve as we pause to celebrate the diversity of humanity rather than allow our dissimilarities to become a reason for racial separation; and

Whereas we encourage all to celebrate the differences in each other such as race, culture, colour, national origin, gender, age, disability, and religion; and

Whereas during this period we will be supporting an awareness campaign and
encourage residents to take a stand and support #ITSTARTS to share their commitment to embracing acceptance, anti-racism, and diversity.

Now Therefore, I, Mayor Lynn Dollin on behalf of the Town of Innisfil hereby proclaim March 2025 as #ITSTARTS Month. We encourage everyone to take a stand and participate in and learn more about the campaign.