Innisfil rolls out new Economic Development Strategic Plan

Innisfil, ON – Council recently approved a new Town of Innisfil Economic Development Strategic Plan and implementation of the plan is already underway.
“We are excited to kick off the year with the launch of this new Economic Development Strategy,” says Mayor Lynn Dollin. “This plan has captured the insights and vision of our business community and will guide the delivery of new programming and services.”
Over the course of 2023 more than 330 representatives from the local and regional business community provided their expertise, ideas and suggestions. This extensive feedback has culminated in a final document that was created by the Innisfil community for the Innisfil community.
Over the next three years economic development will be driven by five key goals:
- Focus on an investment-ready Innisfil
- Support for an innovation-enabled economy
- Further a cohesive community by leveraging tourism and culture
- Enhance community amenities and assets
- Foster a best-in-class economic development office
“Through a validation exercise this past fall at the Mayor’s Business Breakfast we undertook a survey that reiterated that these are the goals which are top of mind with Innisfil business leaders,” says Laura Thompson, Manager of Economic Development. “Council agreed that priorities such as transportation for the workforce, streamlined development processes and support for existing and growing businesses are critical to the Town’s economic prosperity.”
A total of 60 action items were recommended to ensure progress on the above noted goals. These action were subsequently prioritized and a timeline was developed to ensure the plan is achievable within the 3-year timeline.
Several key initiatives are slated to take place in 2024 including supporting landowners within the Innisfil Heights Strategic Employment Area in preparing for new development, supporting existing businesses with workforce development and talent attraction, and exploring funding opportunities for new and growing businesses.
To learn more about the Economic Development Strategic Plan, view the action plan and sign up for the Economic Development newsletter, visit