The Town of Innisfil is hosting a public open house on March 5 at Innisfil Town Hall (2101 Innisfil Beach Road) to discuss two key planning initiatives: the Official Plan Review and the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) for Alcona and the town’s shoreline. Community members can drop in anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. to learn more and share their thoughts.

“Our current Official Plan was approved in 2018, but our community has evolved significantly since then,” says Mayor Lynn Dollin. “We need to ensure the plan continues to reflect Innisfil’s priorities and adapts to current conditions. At the same time, we must align with recent updates to Provincial and Simcoe County policies. This review is an opportunity to create a plan that better serves our residents and businesses—now and for years to come.”

The Official Plan is a guiding policy document that provides the framework for growth, economic development, and the protection of built and natural heritage through to the year 2051. This framework aligns with other master plans undertaken by the Town for transportation and servicing to ensure future growth can be accommodated. The Official Plan must comply with provincial policies and plans, as well as the County of Simcoe Official Plan.

Alongside the Official Plan Review, the Town is also gathering feedback on its transition to a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS)—a land use planning tool that combines zoning by-law amendments, minor variances, and site plans into a single application and approval process. While the Official Plan sets broad land-use policies, the CPPS will function similarly to a zoning by-law, regulating permitted uses, building heights, parking, and other development standards.

The CPPS will be introduced gradually, starting in areas where growth is expected. This new system aims to simplify the planning process and support the community’s vision for development.

During the open house, attendees will have the chance to explore both projects and meet with members of the project teams. Looking at the Official Plan, they’ll be asked to comment on the vision and goals. For the CPPS, they can provide feedback on the proposed by-law policies that will guide development in Alcona and along Innisfil’s shoreline.

For those unable to attend, materials from the open house will be available on the Town’s Get Involved Innisfil platform at Community members can post comments and questions or connect directly with project team members to share their thoughts. Additionally, an online survey for the Official Plan Review will be open on the platform from March 5 to March 26, 2025.