Employee Feature: Carina's Story
I started with the Town a year and a half ago, in August 2023. In my position as Assistant Town Solicitor (Litigation & Risk Management), I oversee all the Town’s litigation files. In this role, I engage in initial investigations and evaluations of new claims, manage initial document review and external counsel to ensure consistent messaging and positions across all cases. I work closely with our Insurer, adjusters, external counsel, and various Town Staff who are involved in litigation matters. I prosecute files on behalf of the Building Department and complex Municipal Law Files at the Provincial Offences Court. In this capacity, I work with Building Officers and Municipal Law Officers, and also represent the Town at Administrative Monetary Penalty Hearings. I collaborate with Municipal Law Officers to prepare for hearings and interact with Hearing Officers and members of the public and also provide legal advice on Risk Management files. I thoroughly enjoy working on prosecutions which includes building a case theory, collecting evidence, working on resolutions, etc.
The Town lawyers all belong to the Municipal Law Department Association of Ontario (MLDAO). The MLDAO recently started a New to Municipal Law (N2M) subsection and I am on the executive of N2M. I joined the executive to chair meetings on the topics of prosecutions and litigation. I get to meet lawyers from other municipalities and learn about the work they are doing.
The work life balance at the Town of Innisfil is great. I love having the flexibility of coming to the office as needed and working from home the rest of the time. I have two kids under 5 and I find that when they get sick, I can adjust my work hours to accommodate their needs. The people also make the Town of Innisfil a great place to work. Everyone is very friendly, welcoming, and hard working.
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